Staff Directory

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Danielle Bernath

Danielle Bernath


Phone: 403-527-7411

School Liaison Counsellor

Photo of Neil Bainbridge

Neil Bainbridge

School Liaison Counsellor-Registered Provisional Psychologist

Support Staff

Photo of Jasmyn Bojakli

Jasmyn Bojakli


Photo of Corrie Lee Welling

Corrie Lee Welling

Early Learning Educator


Photo of Ashley Hirsch

Ashley Hirsch

Kindergarten AM

Photo of Ashly Davey

Ashly Davey

Grade 1/2 AM & Learning Support Teacher PM

Photo of Savannah Leahy

Savannah Leahy

Grade 2/3

Photo of Landon Fritz

Landon Fritz

Grade 4/5

Photo of Lisa Clemens

Lisa Clemens


Photo of Patrick Leahy

Patrick Leahy

Grade 6

Photo of Joleen Binder

Joleen Binder

Grade 1/2 PM

Learning Assistants

Photo of Emily Cazes

Emily Cazes


Photo of Diane Hope

Diane Hope

Grade 4/5

Photo of Jennifer Kiiskila

Jennifer Kiiskila

Grade 2/3

Photo of Shannon Lewry

Shannon Lewry

Grade 2/3 PM

Photo of Laura Rempel

Laura Rempel

Grade 4/5 AM & Grade 1/2 PM

Photo of Gladys Rodriguez-Gourlay

Gladys Rodriguez-Gourlay

Grade 1/2 AM

Photo of Rebecca Shpak

Rebecca Shpak

Grade 6

Photo of Lorene Stenhouse

Lorene Stenhouse


Photo of Jenae Sterkenburg

Jenae Sterkenburg

Grade 6

Out of School Care Program

Photo of Laura Rempel

Laura Rempel

Program Coordinator


Photo of John MacNeil

John MacNeil



Photo of Ron Blackmer

Ron Blackmer


Phone: 403-527-7411